Table of Contents

my web

In recent years I've become disillusioned with 3rd party hosted web services. I don't like:

Consequently I've been steadily migrating to hosting everything I need myself. At this point the only things I don't self host are email and Github, which is just a portfolio piece these days.

My choices in software lean heavily towards stability, sometimes at the expense of my other technological values of elegance and minimalism. Fun as it is, I have other stuff to do than play sysadmin in my limited free time. For the same reason everything is dockerized as a hard requirement, so I prefer software with good support for that already.

I wrote a technical overview of how I run all this crap if it interests you.

An overview of what I self host to follow.


This stuff is only accessible on my personal intranet.


All the stuff you can get to on the web.

*Observant readers will note that not all of this stuff is/need be web based